Risk, Discomfort, & Consumerism


For the most part, people are naturally risk averse.  We’re afraid of it.  We wonder, “what will happen if I don’t succeed?”  We’re afraid to fail.

The thing is that any great thing in my own life has come as a result of being willing to risk something.  But,what if you don’t have anything you’re willing to risk?

People also enjoy being comfortable.  We don’t want to be uncomfortable, and we typically avoid people, places, things, and circumstances that make us feel this way.

This combination of being risk averse, and wanting to be comfortable creates a space where we don’t have anything we’re willing to risk, due to our own comfort.  It’s easier to look and wish rather than to put in the effort, or extend the faith needed to make something happen. It becomes easier to complain than to put in the effort.

We buy things to feel better about ourselves, we take drugs to put our minds at ease. We become well-trained consumers.  We want, we want more, then we want again, and so it goes.

We shouldn’t be surprised to find the battle going our for our minds, all the time.  There’s a lot of money to be made off of comfortable, discontent people.


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